放过野生动物,也是放过人类自己 – 穿山甲/蝙蝠/蛇
创意:潘彬彬(我) 關江濤
文案:潘彬彬 劉喆文
出品:省广集团 – 第七事业群
Many of the world’s pandemic outbreaks such as avian influenza virus, Ebola, SARS and the COVID-19 are all caused from eating wild animals. Eating wild animals can not only make people infected with infectious disease but also can make them suffer from a variety of illnesses owing to a large number of parasites and viruses in wild animals, which will pose serious risks to people’s health and safety.
People eat wild animals out of curiosity and think less about the consequence and seriousness when they enjoy the delicious wild animals, therefore, we transform fear into the concrete carrier and hope to inspire people to think about the consequence of eating wild animals for mankind, animals and the environment through a series of advertisements.
We tie various explosives and the wild animals together to present the helplessness of the animals and trigger people’s psychologies of compassion and fear. If they pick up the tableware, they will trigger the detonator and set off the explosion, which will not only hurt the animals but also hurt themselves.